Snowmobiling is in full stride and now is the time for snowmobilers to keep snowmobile safety a top-of-mind awareness issue. Snowmobile safety is nothing new to organized snowmobiling.
Snowmobile Administrators, the Manufacturers, snowmobile associations and clubs joined together years ago in developing the “Safe Riders! You make snowmobiling safe” safety campaign which emphasized safe snowmobiling practices, training and enforcement to a new level.
The Safe Riders! campaign, designed by snowmobilers for snowmobilers is financially supported by the snowmobile manufacturers. The campaign includes safety related materials such as decals, posters, the Safe Riders! DVD, public service announcements, and more.
Millions of Safe Riders! Snowmobiling Fact Books, Brochures and Posters have been distributed throughout the world to safety trainers and clubs and associations – free of charge- from the manufacturers’ ISMA office. Thousands of the “Safe Riders! You make snowmobiling safe” 22-minute safety DVDs have been sent to safety trainers and safety minded snowmobilers worldwide. The DVD is an excellent adjunct tool for snowmobile safety classes. All of the Safe Riders! materials are available free of charge by filling out an order form and returning it to the ISMA office.
The Safe Riders! campaign highlights key issues of importance for snowmobile safety.
The position statements are concise and easy to understand.
They include:
Recreational snowmobiling has become the winter recreation lifestyle choice for millions of families worldwide. We encourage all snowmobilers to take a minute and make safety a top-of-mind awareness issue. Familiarize yourself with your snowmobile and the area that you will be riding, dress properly, and follow the above mentioned campaign guidelines.
Mountain riders need to be aware of their surroundings and snow conditions. The 5 key safety guidelines when riding in avalanche country are: