Donate to the Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts

It has never been more critical to support organized snowmobiling!

Become a friend of the Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts by donating to help keep our trails open.

Reasons to Become a Friend of SAM

  • SAM develops and maintains the trails in Massachusetts. Without SAM’s volunteers, snowmobiling would not exist in our state.
  • SAM serves as a watchdog organization that monitors and acts on snowmobile issues.
  • SAM establishes relationships with other user groups with similar concerns and challenges.
  • SAM has begun a new program to permanently protect snowmobile trails via outright land acquisition and/or trail easements/leases.
  • SAM serves as a clearing house for members to access critical information regarding local issues.
  • SAM provides continuing educational information to clubs, members and the public.
  • SAM provides a common, collective voice in defending public land access, legislation, snowmobile safety, and promoting snowmobiling as a healthy family sport.

Support the volunteers who maintain the trails and make snowmobiling possible.

Make a donation today and help support SAM!

Donate to SAM

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SAM is a non-profit 501(c)(7) organization and accepts donations to develop and maintain the snowmobile trails in Massachusetts. Thank you for supporting grass-roots snowmobiling.

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Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
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