Snowmobiling is great and we have only the volunteers (and the snow) to thank. Do it by nominating a volunteer for the SAM Annual Awards. Volunteers are the heart and soul of snowmobiling. Without them there wouldn’t be anywhere to ...Read more
No Registration Fee for Out-of-State and Canadian Snowmobilers March 7 & 8 Governor Andrew Cuomo made a number of announcements today geared toward boosting Upstate winter tourism, including a free snowmobiling weekend to be held in communities across New York ...Read more
The Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts Charlene Whitaker SAM Scholarship is available to members of SAM. In addition, SAM members can also apply for two other scholarships, the Northeast Chapter ISC Scholarship and the CJ Ramstad Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship awards ...Read more
The Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts and the Mass Vintage Snowmobile Club are pleased to announce that the Knox Trail Sno-Riders will be hosting a vintage ride February 21, 2015 EVENT DETAILS Event time is from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Park and ...Read more
NSTAR is looking for SAM’s assistance in Eastern Massachusetts in anticipation of the upcoming weekend storm (blizzard forecast). NSTAR needs several snowmobiles and operators (two-ups and work sleds preferred) as well as tracked groomer vehicles to access and break trails ...Read more
Great American Ski Test Part IV: The MoHawk snowmobile ski by SLP Oh, my God! What was it I pulled out of the box, labeled Starting Line Products? Was it a black roller coaster? Was the plastic thingy with bumps ...Read more
The Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts and the Mass Vintage Snowmobile Club have awarded vintage snowmobile rides to several clubs for 2015. February, 7, Burgy Bullets Snowmobile Club Burgy Bullets Clubhouse, 12 Laurel Rd, Haydenville Massachusetts 01039. The 25 mile ride ...Read more
I’m sure you are all aware of the hazards associated with riding off-trail in snow-covered fields, such as rocks, tree stumps and other obstructions hidden under the snow. You also know enough (I hope) to keep to the right while ...Read more
It was a great day for a ride. My best friend Harry called and wanted my wife and I to go for a ride out of Florida. We met Harry and his wife Jean in Orange and headed for the ...Read more
Snowmobiling is in full stride and now is the time for snowmobilers to keep snowmobile safety a top-of-mind awareness issue. Snowmobile safety is nothing new to organized snowmobiling. Snowmobile Safety: Ride Safe So You Can Ride Again Tomorrow Snowmobile Administrators, ...Read more
Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts member profile: Brad Rand is a member of the Snowbirds Snowmobile Club in Spencer. He’s been riding snowmobiles for 30-years, his current sled is a 2003 Arctic Cat T660 Turbo, 4-stroke. Sled mods: No modifications needed ...Read more
The Vintage Snowmobile Registration legislation filed by the Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts was signed by Governor Patrick and is now law. SAM’s bill H.3858 can now be referred to as Chapter 502 of the Acts of 2014. There are a ...Read more
In the never-ending quest to find devices that make our rides easier, I stumbled upon a cell phone charger that just might help some riders make it through snow country. There seem to be two types of riders out there ...Read more
Three snowmobilers rescue a moose on December 28 after an avalanche on an Alaska mountain buried it alive. The Alaska Dispatch News reports that three Matanuska-Susitna Borough residents spotted the animal’s snout sticking out of the snow and used shovels ...Read more
These are the Top 10 Snowmobile Stories of 2014 at Your clicks pile up, your Facebook “Likes” and Twitter “retweets” share the words. We are unique at, as the majority of our snowmobile stories are created by fellow ...Read more
There are many false claims made about snowmobiling and it’s important that you understand snowmobile facts vs. fiction, and fight misinformation. There is a myth that snowmobilers have plenty of trails to ride but those making such claims do not ...Read more
Merry Christmas from everyone at the Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts and the SledMass team. Here’s a holiday video from 1973 featuring our good friend Santa Claus delivering toys to good boys and girls by his Arctic Cat snowmobile in a very ...Read more
I am not sure what words to use to describe how amazed I am at what the Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts accomplished this year for Toys for Tots. The December SAM meeting was where the magic happened. Club upon club ...Read more
A wild snowmobile design concept, The Farouche, posted at lights the imagination of snowmobile enthusiast all over the world and makes a statement about the direction that snowmobile recreation could go in the future. Charles Bombardier tells us, “The ...Read more
Consumer Insight Study Shows Snowmobile Enthusiasts Consider Snowmobiling a Family Activity. Thanks to snowmobiling, winter has become a season to enjoy. Ask any of the three million people who take pleasure every year in the beauty of winter on the ...Read more
We are fast approaching the end of the current two-year Massachusetts legislative session that began back in January 2013. Since that time the Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts has been working to get our two bills passed before the December 31 ...Read more
Veteran meteorologist Barry Burbank of WBZ-TV hosted the “Eye On Weather: 2015 Winter Forecast” on CBS Boston in which he predicts above average snowfall and cold temperatures this winter. “The signals are flashing a rather harsh winter.” If you enjoy reading ...Read more
This is the time of year to get our trails cleaned and ready for the coming snowmobile season. The trail crews for all the clubs are out there working on our most important asset – our trails. My club has ...Read more
“The New-England Boy’s Song about Thanksgiving Day”, also known as “Over the River and Through the Wood”, is a Thanksgiving poem by Lydia Maria Child according to Wikipedia. They go on to say “Although the modern Thanksgiving holiday is not ...Read more
When I first accepted the position as president of the Bernardston-Gill-Leyden (BGL) snowmobile club I knew there would be responsibilities. One is doing the best I can to help with all kinds of requests that come from the landowners, state ...Read more
The Massachusetts Recreational Trails Program 2015 Grant Round is OPEN! Grant Deadline Date: February 2, 2015 The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is a federally funded grant program created through the National Recreational Trail Fund Act as a part of the ...Read more
Snowmobile season begins with early snow and crowds full of optimism! Early snowfall throughout the Snowbelt greeted winter enthusiasts at Halloween time this year. The early blast was a welcome taste of things to come in much of North America. ...Read more
Remember to Vote on Tuesday November 4. Polling hours are 7am until 8pm. Your vote as a snowmobiler in Massachusetts can greatly impact the outcome of the election. Think about this: There are approximately 15,000 to 20,000 snowmobilers in the ...Read more
Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts member profile: Jon Tobin is a member of the Burgy Bullets Snowmobile Club. He’s been riding snowmobiles for 21-years, his current sled is a 2001 Arctic Cat Z440 Sno-Pro 440F. Sled mods: No major modifications. The ...Read more