Camp Sno Mo Challenge (Marcia Miller)
Published on Monday, February 24, 2014 in Charity, News & Updates
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The Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts Charity Committee challenges clubs to donate $50 each to Camp Sno Mo, the official Charity of SAM

The Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts supports the Easter Seals Camp Sno Mo program. Located in Gilmanton Iron Works, NH, children and young adults with disabilities and special needs, ages 11-21, can inclusively participate alongside Boy Scouts in a wide variety of activities including water sports, team sports, hiking, archery, a ropes course and crafts.

If the majority of the clubs accept this challenge we can combine it with our SAM donation and send two individuals to camp this summer, as we have the past couple years.

Most of the clubs have been willing and able to contribute to this important charity. Please seriously consider donating the $50 to provide a week of fun for those who can’t do things on their own.

If your club would like more information on Camp Sno Mo please contact Marcia Miller of visit the Camp Sno Mo website

Thank You,

Marcia Miller, SAM Charity Chair

Please make checks out to SAM, in memo area write Camp Sno Mo

Photo by Mark Kenyon

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