A Cause for Snowmobilers: Pink Ribbon Riders (Keri Wanner)
Published on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 in General Announcements, News & Updates
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“Laugh at life and it will laugh at you!” It’s hard not to get sucked into the everyday grind of negative news! Everything from higher debt ceilings to a friend or family member dealing with medical problems, leaves us only hoping tomorrow will get better. The goal for everyone should be to find a worthy cause that deserves your time and dedication; an organization that will, “laugh with you!”

The Pink Ribbon Riders© is an organization that spends its energy raising funds to provide direct financial assistance to both men and women diagnosed with breast cancer. The organization’s vision is to create awareness in the motor sports industry. These goals help to bring people in communities closer as the disease not only affects those diagnosed but also those who love them. “Riding in honor and in memory of those we love” is the slogan at heart that motivates individuals to focus on the importance while sharing a laugh with others!

The Pink Ribbon Riders is a small volunteer based 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that raises funds through motor sports events. The funds raised are distributed through an assistance program that is made available to both men and women breast cancer patients. The Patient Assistance program provides $500 gift cards to help with medical, mileage, and cost of living expenses. This program awarded over $250,000 in financial assistance to patients between September 2010 and March 2011. On average, 5-7 patients apply to the program per day creating a need of over $500,000 to be raised for the 2011-2012 season. The majority of the funds raised are through the Snow Run Tour.

The Pink Ribbon Riders goal is simple; by everyone coming together through our hobby of snowmobiling, we can make a difference in one breast cancer patient’s life at a time. “One smile, one less worry, and one day at a time!!” To learn more about the Pink Ribbon Riders, the Patient Assistance Program, and the Snow Run Tour, visit www.pinkribbonriders.com. Keri Wanner is a members of Snowmobile North Dakota

ISMC is a proud supporter of the Pink Ribbon Riders!!

The International Snowmobile Media Council is dedicated to promoting snowmobiling as a safe and exciting family recreation. Originally developed as a forum for state, provincial and national snowmobile publication editors to share ideas, it has grown with the changing times to include video and on-line media as well. It is now comprised of a variety of media representatives who are directly involved with and support the organized snowmobile community.

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