Massachusetts Vintage Snowmobile Registration Law
Published on Sunday, January 11, 2015 in News & Updates, Vintage
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The Vintage Snowmobile Registration legislation filed by the Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts was signed by Governor Patrick and is now law. SAM’s bill H.3858 can now be referred to as Chapter 502 of the Acts of 2014.

There are a lot of vintage snowmobile collectors in the Massachusetts but many said they simply could not rationalize registering the vintage sleds on a regular basis since they don’t ride them often, if at all. The new law creates a lifetime vintage snowmobile registration, which means no renewal, and an opportunity for collectors to register all of their vintage sleds at a reasonable cost. It also clears the way for them to be ridden more often.

Vintage snowmobile registration shall be valid until the ownership of the vintage snow vehicle is transferred to another person.

Vintage moto ski and yamaha snowmobile

The legislation was crafted by SAM’s Legislative and Vintage Committees and has been filed multiple times over the past decade. Congratulations to members of those committees and thanks to the legislators who supported it.

Vintage Snowmobile Registration FAQ

The Vintage Snowmobile Registration law reads as follows:

Chapter 90B of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 22 the following section:-

Section 22A. A state resident or non-resident who owns a vintage snow vehicle may register the snow vehicle pursuant to section 22 as a vintage snow vehicle upon making proper application and paying the registration fee to the director. A snow vehicle shall, at the time of registration, meet the sound and emission specifications in effect at the time the snow vehicle was manufactured. For the purposes of this section, a vintage snow vehicle shall be a snow vehicle that is more than 25 years old and that is substantially maintained in original or restored condition.

A vintage snow vehicle registration issued by the director for a snow vehicle shall authorize the vehicle to be operated only for the purpose of traveling to, returning from and participating in an exhibition, parade or other public event of interest and for occasional personal use.

Notwithstanding said section 22, the registration fee for each vintage snow vehicle shall be determined annually by the secretary of administration and finance as provided in section 3B of chapter 7; provided, however, that the registration shall be valid until the ownership of the vintage snow vehicle is transferred to another person. Upon the transfer of ownership, a new owner may register the snow vehicle as a vintage snow vehicle upon making proper application and paying the vintage snow vehicle registration fee.

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